Wash Me Lord

“Wash Me Lord” was written very early in my Christian life. I was very aware that I was a sinner and needed cleansing. The truth is, that awareness should always be near us- we should never think for even a moment that we are clean in ourselves. We need Jesus and His cleansing blood every bit as much as the first day we came to see that we needed a Savior. It’s a terrible thing when we get self-satisfied and think that now we’re really getting along pretty well and can do without the cries to God for cleansing that once marked our lives. We are always in need, and He is always there to meet our need without even a hint of accusation. Come to Him then, and ask Him to wash you anew in His holy blood.


Wash Me Lord- Lyrics

by: Mike Helms

Wash me Lord, wash me Lord
take away my sin,
Wash me Lord, wash me Lord
let your Spirit in

By the precious blood of Jesus
by the power of His name
I am free, I am free, I am free!

By the precious blood of Jesus
by His power I’ll proclaim
I am free, I am free, I am free…
Wash me Lord

©2003 Mike Helms- Songs of Jesus Music