Psalm 19

If you listen closely you’ll notice that my song is actually a blend of thoughts that are found in Psalm 19 and Psalm 104.  I decided to name it Psalm 19 because the song got it’s start there, by looking up, by seeing God’s handiwork written in the skies. Like David, who wrote the originals, I quickly found myself seeing more than just God’s work in the skies, but seeing His hand throughout creation. All of creation speaks of the Creator!

But if God displays His glory in the things He’s created, then His greatest work of all is seen in man- for He created us to be in His image.

However much we may have fallen from that, or strayed from God’s intent, His heart has always been for us. God is constantly trying to get our attention and open our eyes to the fact that He is for us, not against us. He even wants to make our hearts His dwelling place!

I like the way the New Living Translation puts it-

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” -Revelation:3:20

You don’t have to be on the outside, looking at this world and wondering what it’s all about- where you came from and why you’re here. Jesus is standing at the door knocking in a thousand ways, trying to get your attention, trying to tell you by all the things around you who He is and what He’s like. His creation is like a great big living billboard! We actually have to try really hard to miss it because it’s all around us telling us that He exists.