Language of the Heart

“And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” -Romans 5:5

It was a day unlike any other when this verse became true for me. It’s fair to say I was like millions of other people who have heard about the love of God and supposed I understood what that meant. I had heard about Jesus, His death on the cross, His resurrection- all of that. I would have even said that I believed it all! But I knew nothing of the reality, I knew nothing of what it meant to be in relationship with Him.

All of that changed the day the Spirit of God came upon me and opened my eyes and ears to Jesus. Suddenly I could see! Suddenly I could hear! And what was it that God was showing me about Himself? His love. He just wanted me to know how much He loved me! I don’t think it’s really possible to put into words how much that changed me. Every fiber of my being realized that I didn’t deserve it. I wasn’t so worthy, or holy, or anything like that. In fact, I was quite the opposite! But there I was bathed in the love God was pouring out!!!

His love is something that has to be experienced. This really isn’t something that can be put into words. The Apostle, Paul, prayed that we could “get it”, experience it, be inundated and overwhelmed by it. His prayer was that we could know “how wide and deep and long and high is the love of Christto know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” (See Ephesians 3:14-19)

This goes way beyond just reading about it in the bible! This is something you can only know by experiencing it!

I experienced it after I started praying the very same prayer the Apostle Paul prayed. Night after night I prayed the same words that I was reading there in my bible. I wanted to know Jesus and I prayed that God would show Him to me. When God finally poured out His Spirit on me it was HUGE! I had never before experienced anything like it, and what really took my breath away was the love of God. God showed me how much He loved me and it was way more than I could have ever imagined and certainly more than I deserved!

My prayer for you is that you would also know this love. God’s love is indescribable, supernatural, powerful and beautiful. I’ve written lots of songs about God in His many glorious attributes, but surely his love is the crowning jewel.